How to overcome


Without going on

another diet or

giving up the foods you


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A little sneak peak of what awaits you:

Lesson One

Why dieting and restrictive eating will only make you binge more

Lesson Two

Why more willpower doesn't work

Lesson Three

4 common roadblocks to food freedom

Lesson Four

The surpising solution to stop binge eating for good

This is for you if you:

  • Have dieted for as long as you can remember
  • Just wanted to eat healthy and lose a few pounds...and now food and weight thoughts have taken over your life
  • Struggle with bingeing & overeating on a regular basis
  • Have tried everything to fix this food problem
  • Know another diet is not the answer...but you don't know what to do instead
  • Feel addicted and out of control with the sweet stuff
  • Hate your body and you've been trying to lose weight "forever"
  • Just don't know how to "do" food anymore

Hi! I'm so glad you're here!

My last out of control binge was on a tub of ice cream after I'd been on what was to be my last ever diet (which was the Keto diet btw).

I didn't know in that moment that I was going to break up with dieting, sugar quitting, cutting out carbs, detoxing, intermittent fasting, and always watching what I eat.

All I knew in that moment was this: I cannot live like this any longer. I don't care what it takes, I just want out of this hell.

After 20 years of trying to find the "perfect" way to eat and reach my "dream body", after 2 decades of restricting, bingeing, emotional eating, feeling out of control with cake and chocolate...

After all this time picking apart my body in front of the mirror, never thin enough, never toned enough, unable to focus on anything other than what not to eat and how to make my body smaller...

I was DONE.

As you know, bingeing is horrible- the shame, the guilt...and the physcial discomfort.

Let alone the all consuming fear over weight gain and health issues.

As soon as I started understanding why food and eating had been SO hard for me, things changed in a BIG way.

As cliché as it sounds, once I became an intuitve eater, had quit dieting for good, and experienced such ease around food- I wanted everyone to know what I had discovered.

It made me so sad to hear other women describe how stuck they felt in that painful place- a place I had known so well.

I understood their pain and I also had found the solution how to be free from it.

So here I am, sharing with you what helped me and all my wonderful clients over the years who wanted to be able to just eat 2 cookies and move on.

Or eat breakfast at 8am without having a panic attack.

Or go out for dinner and order dessert like it's no big deal.

Or know exactly what it feels like to be full and when to stop eating.

Without needing willpower or control

Basically, to feel free to live their lives, enjoy food and feel at home in their bodies.

Kind words from amazing humans...


"I am grateful to you every single day when going to bed without a binge for how much you have helped me improve my life. Life is good. I am happy and I am free"


"I believe the knowledge and tools shared with me during my coaching sessions have equipped me to continue on this path to healing and freedom without fear of failure. That is big for me."


"I couldn’t recommend a more empathetic support.

Your insight has had the most positive imapct on my mindset.

Anna, I love you for lighting the way to my success"

After watching the workshop you will:

  • Know what you can do today to exit the diet- binge cycle
  • Be one step closer to feel at ease around all foods
  • Get that it has never been your fault that the diets haven't worked
  • Recognize what's standing in the way to reaching your body's healthy weight
  • Finally feel more in control with all foods without banning them from your pantry

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